30 Oct 2007

In Search of Gods Penis Volume I Part 3: Sweet Groves Chest

Sitting Low on Sweet Groves Chest

Bluebells a'swinging in Yellow Fruit
#Old man on Monterey Bay passes at four seconds

Each circuit filled with Sweet Groves Chest

Bent Neuro Circuitry, surely in cybertronics this media be reported?

Flowers swing in mid May temperatures grow

Fume/Real typecasts line at suns given hour

Freudian dictatorships fall in the light of man

Jungian con sciences grow into outer proportion

Knocking continuum please mother, and rays of light disperse


Strings of quanta data sliptcha later

Eejits grow in and at thought of mediac dancing

As a great finale, fools on hills tumbles to lowers graces of Blairite banishings

What did we see? We see? See? We Period End Of Line

Data passes through lec to br to han to ky to lec gain to sigh to br to lec gain gain

Think my fired end. Thunking processes now commensess and sensses remember cencus?

Ofcourse you do. Ling to br to lec gain gain gain. Is this osmosis thi/sinking in yet?

Jones to bones and bohmeian replicatble behaviour lies on deaded mans head

Cannibalism ain't all bad Jones... Shala khaki?

Course You Do bye buy by bye bye now??

Course Cannibalism ain't all Jones and Bones now? Lec to gain gain gain ageing game.

Lec tell me Jones: Bag a piping hot pininng high Jones: Sleep Ne'er Do'ell

Though Scootish light sleeps Jones on Sweet Groves Chest

Who douth and who doth joust and who doth lec on Jo ens tight High?

Me Sir? Lec to Gain Lec to Fein and Gain an a slip I Cry

Bigg Biggy Smaller Jones? Surley in cybertronics 1 2 3 4 Gain aging game

Old man on Montrey Bay slips in sleep and hearts a Gain

Lec to where? Lec 2 th 2 br 2 I 2 stop al stop End Of Line

Please Entere Breke Sire For Doust thone Blecakers shine?

Eye A Whole Big Eye shift A Eye for a Die

De'aths The Name Sir and die thi any dDrewids shape?

Sitting Low on Sweet Groves Chest

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